Random Pointless Stuff About Me for No Reason

- From now on, I'm planting pumpkins. I bought three small plants for 79¢, and I planted them at my father's house because I ran out of room in my garden. I didn't expect them to take over quite this much territory. I don't think we'll have to buy any pumpkins this year. There are around 20 already full-size pumpkins.
- I hate that little bumpy patch they put on the sidewalk just outside of department and grocery stores. Is it there to slow us down? Remind us that we're about to walk into a parking lot? Annoy us? Shake up the carbonated beverages we just bought?
- People often suspect that I eat way more than I actually do.
- I've never tried any form of recreational drugs. I've never even smoked a cigarette. I find cigars intriguing, but I figure I'll likely come down with some form of cancer without smoking, so why increase the chances?
- I don't automatically look down on any of the people that do use recreational drugs or smoke.
- I hope that doesn't sound like an endorsement. It's really not.
- Could I be more non-commital?
- I feel like I have friends that don't invite me over as often because they feel I'd be judgmental about their lifestyle, and that's totally not me.
- We don't have cable, but I like to watch The Daily Show online. I hate it when the show goes "on break" for a few weeks because crazy things usually happen in our country during those breaks.
- When the grocery store over charges me for something, I rarely bring it to their attention because I feel it's too much trouble. When they accidentally under charge me, I immediately let them know because it feels like I'm stealing.
- I tend to over-think things.
- The possibility of having to use a public restroom often makes me feel like I have to use the bathroom.
- I can't pee if there are too many other people in a restroom and there isn't adequate view obstruction, even if I have an urgent need.
- I don't like talking on the phone, even to people I like.
- Are the following salutations offensive to anyone:
- "Take it easy."
- "Have a good one."
- Is it strange that I feel awkward saying these phrases to women in particular?
- I mean, those phrases really could imply many different things, some inappropriate.
- If I enjoyed them on any level, I have trouble donating my used books. I know it's highly unlikely that I'll re-read most of them. My kids probably won't even enjoy them down the road.
- I often leave my Bible or other spiritual reading material in full view inside my parked, unlocked car. I figure, if someone should steal it, they likely needed it more than I do.
- Is it weird that I often travel with a Bible? It's one of those books that, even if you've read it already, there are still new mysteries to uncover, new perspectives to consider.
- I think I need a robot doctor. I was uncomfortable with a male doctor when I was a teenager. I tried a female doctor in my twenties, and found it hard to discuss everything with her. How long until we get robot doctors? I think I could handle that.
- I've never had a taste for beer. There are a few brands I like, but I drink less than a six-pack in an entire year. I have to be in the right social setting. There has to be a sense of comradery involved.
- I might get legally drunk once a year, but even that's doubtful.
- I'm equally picky about coffee. I have to have the right brand, creamer, and sugar.
- McDonald's frappes give me headaches, but I love them anyway.
I like this list! I recognize many of these traits in myself. Your post made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteI identified with many of these things as well, Brian. Great stuff.