The things we inherit from our parents, the things we pass down to our kids, heredity can be amazing. I see things in my kids that shouldn't be passed on in genes.
I grieved a few months back when I found out my boys had carried on the curse of bad Buckley eyes. In the past few weeks, I've seen them both do something I didn't expect. They've apparently inherited my hands too, and hopefully that'll be a blessing to them. You see, in the last few weeks we've went through about a ream and a half of paper because both boys are drawing like mad men.
Gage's scribbles have repeating shapes. He seems to tell stories as he doodles, stories no one else can understand using words that aren't formed well enough. Usually when he's finished he'll survey his work and find accidental letters in the overlapping scribbles. It's funny to see him point out accidental A's or X's.
Owen can draw a dog better than most adults I know. He even drew a picture of me "when I was a little boy." It even had my goatie. When I pointed out that I didn't have facial hair when I was younger, he decided I must have spilled some water on my face.
I know, all kids doodle at these ages. I'm just hoping that my kids inherited something positive from me, some mysterious artist gene.
Both you and Heidi are awesome parents, Brian, and it doesn't surprise me that your boys are taking on some of the traits of their primary caregivers. Continue to be faithful to God and your family, and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the way he'll continue to rain down his blessings on you and them.