Weekend Randomness: March 29th

- My wife and I are both currently uninsured and sick. I guess this will be our benchmark to see how well we (or should I say our immune systems) can handle this set up.
- I've been scouring the internet for home remedies to sinus infections. Drinking apple cider vinegar isn't fun, but it does seem to give some relief.
- Tons of praise for Restaurant.com. If you're in any way on a budget but crave that sit down restaurant experience, they can save you a ton of money. If you're lucky enough to have the 80% discount code, even more so.
- We ate out at a Mexican restaurant Friday night for $14 including tip. Without the coupon we purchased from Restaurant.com the bill would have been about $39. A $25 gift certificate was only $2, we had to spend $35 at the restaurant.
- On a related note: Ground beef, guacamole, and shredded lettuce - one of my favorite trifectas.
- My wife has persuaded me to read a vampire novel. No. Not that one. It's the series that the True Blood HBO show is based on. In my defense, I love horror fiction anyway, and this series is a little less teeny bopper, but still pretty female-point-of-view oriented. I found it a bit uneven. It started really quirky and comedic, but didn't carry through with that. I still enjoyed it. It was still pretty well done, but it was no Anne Rice.
- Started another Brennan Manning book last night. I love that he doesn't sugar coat anything, and points out things many wouldn't even think to point out. Case in point, when talking about Jesus' lineage, he points out that there were prostitutes, people pretending to be prostitutes, and adultery that ended with murder. His point? God doesn't prefer Saints. Not a huge revelation. Just nice to see it brought up with less gloss.
- I've signed a few petitions lately (online). I love that my state representatives are at least acknowledging me, but I'm not too crazy about the extra attention I'm getting from "related" causes. I've always loved wolves, so I sign a petition to keep them protected, and a few weeks later I get three different wildlife groups emailing me asking for donations. Worse is the actual snail mail I get that's fear mongering. Who needs more fear? I don't need DVDs about nuclear war or the threats of terrorism. I haven't been in a coma for the past thirty years.
- I love that there's a movie called Hot Tub Time Machine, but there's no way it could live up to all the expectations my imagination comes up with based on the title alone.
- My wife started a new job today. Set in stone hours. Full-time. Eventual benefits available. Hopefully less stressful for her.
- We had a new accountant do our taxes this year at half the cost of our usual people. We signed a release form after paying them, but the lady working the check out desk mistakenly shoved the form in with our taxes. After waiting four weeks for our return, I decided to contact the IRS to see what the hold up was. They, of course, had no record of our taxes being filed. A quick call to the accountant cleared that up. Turns out that paranoid little voice in the back of my head was right this time.
- Riding around with me this weekend, Owen hears the lyric, "in a worn out suit and tie," and asks, "Why is the guy in this song telling us to die?" Even when you give them clean lyrics, you have to be concerned that they're getting the wrong message.
- The Pokemon cartoons are strange to me. My son likes to watch them, but I don't think he understands that they're based on a game of some sort. What's with all the I'm a winner, you're a loser talk. Seems like that could be giving our kids complexes.
- Higher education soon to follow.