Random Randomness from the weekend: March 8th

- No offense to those who loved the movie, but Transformers 2 took the Razzie award for worst movie of 2009. That really doesn't surprise me. I couldn't even stand to watch the entire thing.
- Fell down last week. Yes, I'm only 35, and yes it was inside the house. I know. Klutz. Grapefruit sized bruises really hurt too.
- Bill Maher doesn't like religious (spiritual, however you want to put it) folks, and his comments often piss me off. I also agree with him on a lot of other points. I think tomorrow's post will have something to do with that.
- Really connecting with our new(er) small group. Loving that. Perhaps there'll be a post about that later this week too. I'm sure some of you are going, "What's a small group?"
- I can't wait for the whole Day Light Savings Spring Ahead to get here. My youngest gets up with the sun. I've been trying to block out the sun from our home for a few weeks now.
- Am I the only person on the planet the enjoyed Terminator Salvation?
- I know it wasn't as "epic" as the first one, which was really only epic for its time. To be honest, the second one was okay, and the third one… well… that was just one long car chase wasn't it?
- I loved that they just computer generated Arnold in the movie. So, they don't even have to pay actors anymore. They should just get them to sign some sort of likeness licensing clause when they star in the original film. If it becomes a hit, they can just CGI them in the sequels. No more hundred million dollar contracts.
- Where the Wild Things Are was a great movie. Like a lot of critics said, it wasn't really for kids, but for the kid in all of us. If you look for the symbolism, it really was good.
- There goes Buckley again with his symbolism.
- Brennan Manning setting some of my wrong-thinking right. God doesn't need me to do anything. Like the Bible says, what does God need with cows and goats and graphic artists? Okay, I threw in the graphic artists. In other words, the things God inspires me to do aren't for His benefit, but for my own and those I hopefully help. Perhaps this line of thinking will get me out of my funk.
- Owen yesterday: "The good guys throw the bad robots into the sun where they get hot and dead."
- He's been asking about the concept of death lately. Hard territory to cover, including the, "You and Mama won't ever get dead right?"
- I know he's four years old, but I really don't want to cover too much of the subject. I'm not ready for his innocence to take such a hit.
- Nothing unites little boys like rubber lizards.
- Texas Hold'Em Poker.
- Nuff Said.
- It's Gary Gnu.
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