Weekend Randomness - June 7

- We did some garage saling this past weekend. Heidi's grandparents live in a seniors' subdivision, and they had a subdivision-wide sale. It's hard to believe we found toys and DVDs at great prices.
- Owen found three Transformers from the nineties for a quarter a piece.
- I found one family selling all of their DVDs in favor of Blu-ray. I found Casablanca for $2 on DVD!!
- I'm meeting more and more people without health insurance. A lot of these people are working full-time, professional jobs for big companies.
- One family is paying $250 a month just to hold insurance that doesn't cover anything more than one (yes just one) yearly physical until a $5,000 deductible is met. They can't even go to the doctor if they're sick. It's almost like they have to hope that any injuries or illnesses they incur will cost more than $5,000.
- One of my relatives said that he has very basic insurance that runs $40 a month but only covers himself. If he adds his wife, it will cost over $900 more a month.
- A friend of mine had to take his daughter to the emergency room for what turned out to be a sprained ankle. His bill? Over $1,000 for a simple, very temporary splint. They don't have insurance.
- I know a lot of people didn't like our president's ideas on reform, but at what point do we admit that what we're doing isn't working for too many people? I know we should worry about deficits, but will they even matter if entire generations of people can't even go to the doctor regularly? I know I'm relatively young, but this seems like madness to me.
- My kids are tentatively scheduled for August eye surgeries, possibly both on the same day.
- The stress, even though I'm trying to deal with it, is eating me up. My wife and I both are showing physical signs of being under too much pressure.
- I don't drink alcohol very often, maybe two or three times a year. Actually getting drunk is even more rare for me. But, I'm beginning to understand why my dad has an alcohol problem. Escaping temporarily is very tempting.
- I'm currently reading three faith-oriented books. I hate reading more than two at a time, but one is for a reading group, the other is with a friend, the third just for fun. The funny thing is, the books couldn't be more different. One is very conservative, one is extremely liberal, and the third can only be described as radical.
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