Mid-Week Randomness

- Before we started couponing, I bought a Colgate Total Professional toothbrush. It was actually relatively inexpensive. No matter how many free toothbrushes we get, I'm still spending the three dollars to get another one of these. Best toothbrush I've ever had, and I'm not really into toothbrushes, so the fact that I"m gloating about one should mean something extra.
- It's hard not to type teethbrushes for the plural of toothbrush.
- We spent $31 this week on around $200 worth of stuff thanks to coupons. We have enough ice cream to last the entire summer. Not that I needed any ice cream.
- They found cougars in upper Michigan this week. Or, more accurately, they finally found enough proof to satisfy skeptics. If you've ever hiked the wilder parts of Michigan, it's not hard to believe that things like cougars are hiding there. Our state is very undeveloped in a lot of ways, and I hope and pray it stays that way. On the other hand, I was afraid enough of wolves and bears while hiking. I really didn't need cougars on the list too.
- We had this big plan to take Gage to his first movie this week. He loves the Toy Story movies. The plans were dashed when we found out they're not showing Toy Story 3 in 2-D anywhere but the drive-in. He wouldn't wear the 3-D glasses, and he'd likely be asleep before the drive-in got rolling.
- Sometimes my best opportunity for spending time with my little brothers is picking them up at 11 p.m. from local concert halls and driving them home. Sometimes you have to seize those opportunities.
- I wore my kids out last Friday. We started with a trip to the beach with my dad and brother, Bob. The boys played and swam. Gage zonked on the car ride home. We finished the day off at a great cook out at the Peavyhousehold. The boys played outside with their youngest until after dark. Inside, they continued to play as the girls played dress up. My boys were still interacting, but they had these confused looks on their faces. I think it was the dresses. Needless to say, they both were out like lights at when we finally put them to bed.
- The strangest trend I noticed at the beach last week: Everyone was avoiding the shaded areas of the picnic area. When I was a kid, you had to get up at the crack of dawn to land a spot under one of the few shade trees. When we arrived Friday, there were multiple shaded areas available. Everyone was in the sun. Did someone decide that sunlight doesn't cause skin cancer?
- Strangest trend I noticed at the Peavyhousehold gathering: Gage's unwillingness to speak to people paired with his piping right up when speaking to their dogs.
- We tried to go to a petting zoo hosted by Lapeer's Farmer's Market. I guess it was seriously down sized at the last minute when they found out the animals weren't properly vaccinated or some strange thing. The boys got to see a goose and two chickens. With Lapeer and farming being somewhat synonymous you'd think their market would have been fantastic, but it was nothing compared to Flint's. It was overpriced and under stocked.
- Father's Day is always so bland for me. Mother's Day is all happy, lovey, and eventful. What happens to us dads? Are we just too cool or modest to enjoy it a bit? I'm always more concerned with making sure my dad and father figures have a good day I think. It's like there's something integral to being a father that prevents us from making too much out of our "special day."
- I highly recommend Shutter Island. Be prepared to watch it twice. The second time just to review all the obvious clues that you easily missed the first time.
- Our church, Wildwind Community Church, is moving. We'll no longer be paying anyone rent. We'll have mortgage payments instead. Starting this Sunday at 10 a.m. we'll be meeting at 6020 Corunna Road in Flint. If you're looking for a transformative place to worship and grow, come join us.
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