Late Randomness

- "Vacationing" with the kids isn't like the vacations I remember from just a few short years ago. There was no down time. There was no care-free, we're disconnected from the world realizations. There was just us trying to keep the kids in line, entertained, and engaged. Don't get me wrong, it was still a great time, very memorable, but there were some things I missed.
- My wife is a guru at planning cheaper vacations. We wanted to take Owen to Cedar Point last year, but couldn't afford it. So, we jumped on the pre-Memorial Day hotel rates this year. She tracked down some discounted park tickets, and we invited our parents along to share in the room costs. (My parents declined) We were only gone for two nights.
- Owen had to warm up to the rides at CP. He started with things that stayed on the ground and required no input from him. Little brother Gage had no problem jumping on anything he saw. Eventually Owen caught up.
- I took Owen on the Junior Gemini expecting him to freak out. As we exited the ride he asked whether or not they had any other roller coasters. We proceeded to ride the larger, faster Woodstock Express multiple times.
- I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to roller coasters. I prefer less hills, and fewer drops. I can handle upside down, twirling until sick, but I hate being dropped in any way. I went on the Gemini for the first time this visit.
- Stop laughing.
- In public restrooms, why is the toilet paper often positioned behind you on the left?
- I hate to tell whoever does the restroom budgeting, but you can use the thinnest one-ply paper you want, it's just going to make everyone use four times as much.
- One of my long-time, personal nightmares came true this week. My son Owen was diagnosed with cataracts, something that runs in our family, something I went through as a child at his age. I'm trying to keep a brave front up, but it's hard, especially when I spend time with him one-on-one. I know treatments for this condition have come a long way in the past thirty years, but it's hard to think about putting him through even the improved methods. Taking deep breaths.
- I've said it before. I'll say it again. If you want to learn about God and why or how He could love us, become a parent.
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